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SKF Rotary Vane Steering Gear

The SKF rotary vane steering gear is a high-performance steering gear with very fast response times and angles up to 65 degrees or more on twin rudder systems with asymmetrical rudder angles.

Being relatively small in size, it is ideal for smaller vessels where space is an issue or where high performance is required. The steering gear can be used with any type of rudder.

Because of its very high speed of reaction, the steering gear is available for use on its own as a roll reduction system. By eliminating the need for fin stabilisers, this steering gear is particularly suitable for applications where the acoustic signal should be reduced.

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Becca Smith
Account Manager, Engine Products

+ 44 1264 862 116

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Lorraine Darling-Hymers
Account Manager, Marine Components and Service

+44 1264 862 118

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