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Turbulo Bilgewater Separators

The Turbulo MPB Bilge Water Separator is a two-stage oily water separator, suitable for use onboard any ship or offshore platform.

It fulfils the 5 ppm criteria, as well as, the IMO 15 ppm requirements. The sizes range from 0.25 m3/h to 10 m3/h.

As an option, we recommend fitting the Turbulo Sludge Buoy in the holding tank. With this simple mechanical device, it is possible to remove the oil which has separated out in the holding tank before it even enters the separator, thereby reducing maintenance and cleaning of the separator unit very considerably.

The first stage of the separator unit is a pressure system, with oleophilic coalescer inserts, that operates on a gravitational principle. Oily water is passed through the separator via a helical rotor pump and the separated oil is drained by means of automatic level control. There is a heating coil to address heavy fuel oil scenarios. The second stage features HycaSep (hydrocarbon separator) elements which coalesce the finest oil particles. An IMO certified monitor is included.

The unit operates fully automatically with continuous monitoring. The pump has run-dry protection. Maintenance is easy. There is no need to dismantle any pipes or fittings. The units are supported by a world-wide network of service stations.

Sales Contact

Lorraine Darling-Hymers
Account Manager, Marine Components and Service

+44 1264 862 118

Technical Contact

Lee Pino
Service Manager

+44 7881 265 461

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The Turbulo-MPB Bilge Water Separator is the latest development of the Turbulo separator which dates back to 1925.

With this experience, combined with continuous development, the Turbulo-MPB Bilge Water Separator provides a highly reliable, trouble free way to comply with the latest MEPC regulations.

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